Land Acknowledgment

I acknowledge with respect that I reside and work on the ancestral and traditional homelands of the Unconquered Seminole Tribe of Florida, the only Tribe in America that did not sign a peace treaty. I acknowledge and honor the federally recognized Seminole Tribe and their ancestors, who were stewards of this land going back 12,000 years. I recognize the Ais, Timucua, Apalachee, Tequesta, Tocobaga, Calusa, Matecumbe, and all of Florida’s ancestral tribes. I also recognize the Indigenous individuals and communities who were forcibly removed from their homeland, such as the Seminole Nation of Oklahoma, as well as the many Native groups that call Florida home today, including the federally recognized Miccosukee Tribe.

I acknowledge the painful history of genocide and the ongoing impact of settler colonial violence and dispossession. I encourage everyone to learn and educate others on Indigenous history and experiences, and to take action to end the continuing effects of settler colonialism. Please read my blog post: How to Respect and Support Indigenous Peoples

In offering this land acknowledgement, I affirm Indigenous sovereignty and I commit to supporting Indigenous communities and being a better steward of the land I inhabit. To do this, these are the actions I will take:

  1. Donate to one Native-led organization every month (such as LAND BACK and Honor the Earth), a sum that will fluctuate according to available finances.
  2. Amplify Native causes on social media.
  3. Sign petitions and send letters about issues concerning Indigenous peoples and lands (such as halting pipelines).
  4. Encourage others to take action to support Indigenous peoples.
  5. Continue to educate myself through research and listening to Native voices.